#discernment #guidance.
It's very easy to #discern when you know how. Learn to #listen to how many times a person says "me", "my", "I", "mine" rather than "we", "us", "our". A selfish person will always give themself away by not being #unified and #inclusive and God intended us to always be in #inity #unity. Division is from satan!
You can read a persons spirit very well by how much they make effort to unify in all situations. Without question. Unity comes naturally to the children of the light. They know no other way. Anything less causes an energy imbalance.
Left untreated whether spiritual or carnal, this can result in chronic medical problems in many and varied areas of life. I have authority to teach in Christ as I lived through and am healing from the same. I learned the hard way through always putting other people before myself.
I thank God for my blessed gift of wisdom to know that it’s preposterous to speak on subjects that one holds no knowledge in and that in HIM I have never been so foolish to do such. #knowyourself . DEEPLY!
Avoidance of self nurturing the soul will come back and bite you and force you to learn the lessons. God is always in control no matter who or what babylon system says or tries to implement, and what God has planned will always come to pass no matter who or which babylon system tries to stop or hinder it. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has NOT overcome it. JOHN 1:5
Notice how the person has responded to anything personal you have shared about yourself. Did they ignore it and continue to talk about their own agenda or did they show care and empathy? Are they kind to animals and sick people? If they don't overstand then do they make effort to try? Read between the lines people.
Then, most importantly listen very carefully to what is NOT being said. Use #wisdom Take note of how people address any questions you have asked them. Avoidance is an instant red flag. Stay humble, stay aware, and stay sharp. #givethanksforlife in all situations.
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