

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Discernment lessons. April 2021

#discernment #guidance. 

     It's very easy to #discern when you know how. Learn to #listen to how many times a person says "me", "my", "I", "mine" rather than "we", "us", "our". A selfish person will always give themself away by not being #unified and #inclusive and God intended us to always be in #inity #unity. Division is from satan!

   You can read a persons spirit very well by how much they make effort to unify in all situations. Without question. Unity comes naturally to the children of the light. They know no other way. Anything less causes an energy imbalance.   

   Left untreated whether spiritual or carnal, this can result in chronic medical problems in many and varied areas of life. I have authority to teach in Christ as I lived through and am healing from the same. I learned the hard way through always putting other people before myself. 

    I thank God for my blessed gift of wisdom to know that it’s preposterous to speak on subjects that one holds no knowledge in and that in HIM I have never been so foolish to do such. #knowyourself . DEEPLY! 

   Avoidance of self nurturing the soul will come back and bite you and force you to learn the lessons. God is always in control no matter who or what babylon system says or tries to implement, and what God has planned will always come to pass no matter who or which babylon system tries to stop or hinder it. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has NOT overcome it. JOHN 1:5

  Notice how the person has responded to anything personal you have shared about yourself. Did they ignore it and continue to talk about their own agenda or did they show care and empathy? Are they kind to animals and sick people? If they don't overstand then do they make effort to try? Read between the lines people.

  Then, most importantly listen very carefully to what is NOT being said. Use #wisdom Take note of how people address any questions you have asked them. Avoidance is an instant red flag. Stay humble, stay aware, and stay sharp. #givethanksforlife in all situations. 


Genesis 1:21 and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

Once upon a time there was me, stuck in dire, horrific pain that I believed would surely kill me from the deep trauma within.

As I sat on my bed, looking into the clouds - an often past time (as God shows me much through clouds - Hallelujah); I knew that to kill pain, my only option was to pull out blessings from where there seemed to be none. Well, since I began, I have always said thank you for the birds and flowers Father - just something I do and always seemed to have done from being tiny. I have often also thought that God speaks to me through the birds. I write in solace and I own peace, (in HIM), knowing, without a shadow of a doubt, to coin a flesh phrase, that this is my walk alone, and we are unique individuals made perfect in HIS image. Wow - how blessed is that fact alone!!!

Quite naturally, some birds came and sat on a chimney outside of my bedroom on a roof and I instantly knew what GOD was showing me. This could absolutely seem insignificant to the reader - it did to me, and I didn't write it down as is customary for a lot of my life and growth experiences, however, (GLORY HALLELUJAH), because that very night at church, the preacher took the stand. I was about to sneak out for a cigarette and God said no! Sit still and listen! He starts to tell a story, he says, of a University somewhere in America. In the middle of the complex, they plant a tiny garden in order to bring some nature due to the location being urban. 

As a natural course of progression, plants, flowers and trees grow and bloom, but the students make many complaints due to the birds faeces. The University council makes a decision to place netting over the top, to prevent the birds entering. Rather quickly, the plants and flowers begin to die off. There is no explanation as the sunlight still enters the area. They decide to experiment and remove the netting and install CCTV. Over time, the birds returned and when watched in slow motion, the plant life was re-establishing as the birds sung.

The birdsong gave the life back to the plants, trees and flowers!

I cried listening to the preacher as I understood that I had just learned two things. Number one, this was confirmation to me, that from before He knew me in the womb, and learned that God communicates with me through birds, this was a double confirmation to me from the previous day, that my line of thought was correct and number two, it was a live manifestation with actual proof of a Biblical truth which is that praise (the birds chirping and singing), creates fresh new life. Hallelujah. Gods created nature speaking life.

This really touched my heart. I have no idea why I've always prayed for birds and am pulled very strongly with a deep love for animals, but, I'm glad that I do.

I claim intellectual copyright on this literature 

July 8th 2014 

Pepper Ferne (CLD offical)

Real talk alert - To the self-titled and appointed.

Updated edit July 23rd 2014.

June 28, 2012 at 12:09pm
***Real talk alert*** 

I muse....hmmmmm!!! How to express the following truth in grace. What truth? A truth that many churches won't address. Some don't like disharmony among the flock, some, for whatever their own reason's are different and, so they shall make their choices in free will, but, well, me being me, I tell it how it is as I work out my salvation daily and know fine well that I make many mistakes, knowing also, that I'm loved immensely always; firstly by the Father and then from all the (non) blood family. ...ah so, well, as it goes, the subject that no-one dare address.....self-appointed ministers and preachers, in 'real' life (lol), and on-line (ouch - this can be the worst type for real).

 Hey, I'm a loud, proud God girl and stand safe and sane ( in Him). I absolutely decree and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life, BUT, and this is NOT a 'but' to be irreverent, (before any clever so and so out there decides to throw that one this way); the fact is that there is no benefit whatsoever in being so faith obsessed that we are no use to God whilst down here in earth.

 Sometimes people simply need an ear, a kind smile, a seat on a bus even. My WORD is live, powerful and manifest and I am blessed to understand and know that power, but some people need a reality check. Quoting blind scriptures from morning until night and never having anything at all to do with life or the earth we live upon, can effectually harm and push away those very people that we are called to reach and love. Unsaved people neither know or understand the Word. I know that I most certainly didn't, and the fact is, that it was those overly and 'super-spiritual' types that pushed me AWAY AND BACK OUT of faith at one point as all they did was quote scriptures and be screaming out hallelujah's without an ounce of compassion. The Holy Spirit is not deaf and the devil knows the word better than any humans.

 Just because an individual quotes the scriptures, no more means that they are any more righteous than you or I. Anyone can either go to Bible college and/or use an on-line concordance. I repeat...... The enemy knows the full scriptures much better than any human being ever could.  This piece of writing is given as I reach for our Lord to teach people NOT to EVER put human beings on a pedestal. I overcame a LOT of heavy oppression on more than one occasion and was actually bullied by many Christians with a righteous attitude telling me I hadn't a clue and was a baby needing more milk. I have clearly said many times before and stand firm on the fact that I openly welcome gallons of milk to wash down any meat that my Father chooses to feed to me - Holla Hallelujah =D 

 The beauty is that GOD ALMIGHTY - maker of heaven and earth has, later on in HIS timing given me answers to situations that I had stood firm about against many hundreds at some points, including the titled and formally appointed. Hallelujah The scriptures tell us clearly 'Am I to please God or man', so, if we feel something so, so strongly in our spirit NO MATTER WHAT people or situations or circumstances tell on the surface, then we must fight hard to hold tight and stand bold and firm to what we know is true. 

 I do not now and and will not ever humour people with grand titles. I've seen many so called Pastors/Apostles/Evangelists sinning and falling and the fact is that we ALL fall short of the glory of God. Some of the most Holy people I know go simply by their own names, and, at the end of the day - Jesus didn't use any fancy titles!  

This is a walk of LOVE - simple as that -Love is the key in every conceivable situation. I don't need to force-feed anything to anyone as I am nothing on this huge earth and the scriptures are there for us to seek and find in our own walks on a personal level with our Lord; a reason also, that I ALWAYS ask people to refrain from scripture feeding, if they start it with me personally. GOD ALMIGHTY will lead me where He wants me, to be to read what He wants me to, in His time and ways and not other's well meaning intentions, but, rest assured - HIS LOVE endures forever and we are blessed with new mercies each morning. Just always remember to repent before prayers and try hard as we go along, working out our salvation daily. No condemnation - 

 Be blessed y'all love me n Jesus.

Saturday 22 August 2020


 Miss Pepper— Sunday, April 24, 2011 11.56 am

Michael Jackson sung - we are the world, we are the children. A few small words, yet such inspiration when analysed! I don't think a lot of people think deep and analyse. Life gets in the way, we become too busy with work, children, and 'stuff n things'!


 Well we are the world and we are Jah children, and 'stuff and things' are NOTHING! We come into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing - ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


 I had a friend many years ago. I remember one time going to her house for coffee. She had a baby around one years old and he was sat on her kitchen worktop eating cereal. All that I had in my mind as she pottered about was -that baby might fall off there, why aren't they sat at the table.


  I have have been ripped and condemned so many times for my outspoken mouth and ways over the years as I keep it real and tell it how it is. I have now, however, accepted me and realised and come to the conclusion that GOD made me like this because this is how HE wants me - he knows my heart. I asked her - do you think he is safe on that worktop and her answer was - well he's not sitting my table - that tablecloth cost a fortune! Even though very young, it had a profound affect on me and I knew that she was seeing the price of the tablecloth as more value than her baby because if they fell, they could smash their head. I dealt with it by standing close to that baby and helping them with their spoon and to feed.


The children are the future and this world in general is not appreciating the precious gift of life that God gives when allows births to happen. So many babies and children are not getting the MOST IMPORTANT values and guidance as their modern parents are too preoccupied with allowing anything but their precious babies to come first. At 21 and almost 16, my babies are gone and it happened so quickly. It doesn't seem long since they were born. I wish I could holla to new mothers and fathers and bring them forwards and let them see and look back in hindsight as I KNOW they would do things differently.


I get lots wrong, I am a sinner , but one thing I do know how to do is love and despite the devils attempts upon my life, using my children to hurt, crush and destroy me along the way, the blessing of knowing how to give it out, despite never having received any as a child myself stayed strong. Please please people, put your babies and children FIRST!


Sometimes things will happen where you want to ring their necks, they do awful stuff as teenagers for example - really terrible stuff at times, but hold your faith people, fall back when you want to shout at them, call upon the name of the Lord, in the name of Hos son Yeshua to help and strengthen you and NEVER forget that YOU are also a precious child of GOD and HE will NOT leave you!


The spiritual walk is not easy and as a very precious and special person to me told me only the other day - the devil wants to make us unhappy and will use the people we love the most (our children) to get to us. Well no devil - Jesus rebuked you and broke all the curses when he shed his blood and rose again. The blood of Christ is the most powerful thing we have as protection and we must call out and use it to cover any given situation and it is HIS promise that we will be safe.


Do not fear the devil, he is NOTHING! Be aware of words used as what we speak becomes manifest - speak life over anything and everything, reach, call and claim your blessings according to HIS riches in glory - GOD wants to prosper you in every single tiny situation. Believe and receive! Miracles are real! Make the right choices, fight this world - the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy and you have free will and the choice NOT to allow it in the name of Jesus. I have seen far too many miracles that without our Lord would have cause death and destruction. I have heard stories of people in the most terrible lives and circumstances come to Christ and be saved and redeemed. Spread the word - live in the light - walk the walk - DO NOT just talk the talk - Jesus is alive!


I am the way, the truth and the life - that's what Jesus said. stay blessed!

Friday 21 August 2020

Demonic Attack Awareness

 Demonic attack awareness.


I was very badly spiritually attacked yesterday. It was verbal, but manifested soul deep and manifested physically to a point I thought I was passing away. I was told to get those effin locks cut off NOW; And stay away from Rasta teachings because you're not one and will never be one.

  It went further as I was called out as a devil child 21 (that's another story, which, praise God my blessed discernment overstood immediately), along with being cursed as vile and evil. I was then told that I have no love in my heart.

  Prayer and scripture was my only choice at that stage as I caffled (dialectal England, intransitive verb), and the emotion was too sore to cope with, because I know how loving and giving I am, simply because everyone who loves me tells me that, BUT, beware Saint's, because although we are protected by the blood of the Lamb and (give thanks) we know that the scriptures are LIVING and ACTIVE, (Heb 18:21), there are still many variations of evil creatures amongst imanity as we live and breathe. Soul sucker's (spiritual vampires) are real and they can still attack God’s children.

  I spoke to someone The Most High clearly told me time over not to communicate with. Why? Because number 1 it was habitual, but mostly that I don't believe in quitting on past prayers previously given up in the purity of God's love for the soul and deliverance of another. I had seen a better version of this person spiritually but knew that they are possessed by the big ones. Incubus, Succubus, Leviathan and Jezebel.

 Having gone through the motions of many dark stages on many occasions since I was tiny, because of generational curses I was born into, and being cursed by charlatans posing as light, and cussed at and cursed with words since I was 3 but now blessed to be brought through into His Glorious Light, I believed for this person’s soul. I believed for the best in them. Grave mistake!!!

I became ill instantly when I answered them and they continued with the attacks for hours. I was woken at 4am with chronic illness and laid and asked God was it my time. I had no life force and THIS is what these kinds of demons do. They suck the life force from your soul. I found out after being back on a computer after 9 years, that you can block someone's email and switch Google hangouts off permanently. This was only after this person tormented the life out of me and again, started with it the next morning. That person attacked every single part of my psyche, but as soon as they said I have no love in my heart, I realized it was demons controlling them. After blocking and removing hangouts so that they could no longer communicate, I prayed, I declared, I stayed in faith and it's straight up miraculous how quick I am recovering already, but, I write this because I don't want anyone to be complacent in their faith and think, oh, it won't happen to me, my faiths too strong. Satan will use anyone, anything and any chance to take down the children of the light and spiritual attacks are very real. 

Stay true and always tell the truth. Even if your voice shakes. God is near and will never leave or forsake us. 

Give thanks.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Mirror number revelations Dec 5th 2019

The number 1 is only divisible by itself. It is independent of any other numerals yet composes them all. It symbolizes in the Bible the unity and primacy, and the oneness of the Godhead. 
What is known as the Shema (or Shema Yisrael), a quote of verse four in Deuteronomy 6:4 that is often used in Jewish prayer services, attests to this fact.

The number 2 conveys the meaning of a union, division or the verification of facts by witnesses. A man and woman, though two in number, are made one in marriage (Genesis 2:23 - 24). There is also the union between Christ and the church (see 1Corinthians 12).

The number 3 is used 467 times in the scriptures. It pictures completeness, though to a lesser degree than 7. The meaning of this number derives from the fact that it is the first of four spiritually perfect numerals (the others being 7, 10 and 12). The 3 righteous patriarchs before the flood were Abel, Enoch and Noah. After the deluge there was the righteous "fathers" Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (later renamed Israel).

 The number 4 derives its meaning from creation. On the fourth day of what is called 'creation week' Jah completed the material universe. On this day he brought into existence our sun, the moon, and all the stars (Genesis 1:14 - 19). 
 Their purpose was not only to give off light, but also to divide the day from the night on earth, thus becoming a basic demarcation of time. They were also made to be a type of signal that would mark off the days, years and seasons.

The number 5 symbolizes God,s grace, goodness and favor toward humans and is mentioned 318 times in Scripture. 
 Five is the number of grace, and multiplied by itself, which is 25, is 'grace upon grace' (John 1:16). The ten commandments contains two sets of 5 commandments. The first five commandments are related to our treatment and relationship with God, and the last five concern our relationship with others humans.


In the Bible, the number 6 symbolizes man and human weakness, satan's evil and the manifestation of sin. Man was created on the sixth day. Men are appointed 6 days to labor.

A Hebrew slave was to serve six years and be released in the 7th year. Six years were appointed for the land to he sown and harvested. The number 6 is also associated with Satan in his temptation of Yeshua.


Used 735 times (54 times in the book of Revelation alone), the number 7 is the foundation of God's word. If we include with this count how many times 'sevenfold' (6) and 'seventh' (119) is used, our total jumps to 860 references.

Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual). It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God's creation of all things.

 According to some Jewish traditions, the creation of Adam occurred on September 26, 3760 B.C. (or the first day of Tishri, which is the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar). 


 The number 8 in the Bible represents a new beginning, meaning a new order or creation, and man's true 'born again' event when he is resurrected from the dead into eternal life.

Like the Old Testament Passover lamb, Jesus was selected as the Lamb to take away man's sins on the Hebrew day of Nisan 10 (April 1, 30 A.D. - John 12: 28 - 29). 

He was crucified on Nisan 14 (Wednesday, April 5 in 30 A.D.). His resurrection occurred, exactly as he stated, 3 days and 3 nights after he was buried, which was at the end of the weekly Sabbath day that fell on Nisan 17 (seventeen symbolizes victory).


The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 9

Used 49 times in Scripture, the number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality. 

 Christ died at the 9th hour of the day, or 3 p.m., to make the way of salvation open to everyone. 

The day of atonement (Yom Kippur) is the only one of God's annual Feast days of worship that requires believers to fast for one day. This special day, considered by many Jews to be the holiest of the year, begins at sunset on day 9 of the 7th Hebrew month. (Leviticus 23:32).

The number 9 also represents the fruits of Jah Holy Spirit which are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace and Self-control (Galatians 5:22 - 23).


In the Bible, the number 10 is used 242 times. The designation "10th" is used 79 times. Ten is also viewed as a complete and perfect number, as is 3, 7 and 12. It is made up of 4, the number of the physical creation and 6, the number of man. As such, 10 signifies testimony, law, responsibility and the completeness of order.

 Symbolizing disorder, chaos and judgment
In the scriptures, number 11 is used twenty-four times and "11th" can be found 19 times.

 Twelve can be found in 187 places in God's word. Revelation alone has 22 occurrences of the number. The meaning of 12, which is considered a perfect number, is that it symbolizes God's power and authority, as well as serving as a perfect governmental foundation. It can also symbolize completeness or the nation of Israel as a whole.

 The number 13 is symbolic of sinrebellion and lawlessness. 
Nimrod, the mighty hunter who was 'before the Lord' (meaning he tried to take the place of God - Genesis 10:9), was the 13th in Ham's line (Ham was one of Noah's three sons who survived the flood). Thirteen represents all the governments created by men, and inspired by Satan, in outright rebellion against the Eternal.

 Being a multiple of 7, 14 partakes of its importance and, being double that number, implies a double measure of spiritual perfection. The number two with which it is combined (2x7) may, however, bring its own significance into its meaning, as it does in Matthew 1, where the genealogy of Jesus Christ is divided up and given in sets of 14 (2x7) generations, two being associated with incarnation.

 The number 15 in the Bible pictures rest, which comes after deliverance, represented by fourteen. 
The 15th day of the first Hebrew month (Nisan) is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a day of rest for the children of Israel. The 15th day of the 7th Hebrew month begins the Feast of Tabernacles, also a day of rest.

 The number sixteen is symbolic of love and loving. To become perfected in Jah's aggape love, not just by physically obeying the commandments, but also by following the full spiritual intent of our Creator's laws and judgments (Matthew 22:37 - 40). This duality of true love is represented by 8 + 8 = 16.

In the Bible the number 17 symbolizes "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory." 
 Jah overcame the sins of rebellious humans when he began to flood the earth through rain on the 17th of the second Hebrew month. Noah's ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th of the seventh month (right in the middle of God's annual Holy period known as the Feast of Tabernacles).

 The significance of the number eighteen in the Bible comes from its symbolic meaning for bondage.
 After taking possession of the Promised Land, the children of Israel were in bondage to several nations and peoples before Saul was made king. Two of their enemies, Eglon the Moabite king and the Philistines (with the help of the people of Ammon) oppressed them for 18 years (Judges 3:12, 14, 10:7 - 8).

The number 19, which is the combining of 10 and 9, usually denotes Jah's perfect order in regard to his judgment in the Bible. The names Job and Eve, if we substitute letters for numbers, add up to 19.
What does the number 19 mean in relation to Israel? The united kingdom split into two pieces after the death of Solomon. The piece referred to as Israel, or the Northern Ten Tribes, had Jeroboam as their first king (930 to 909 B.C.). Judah's first king was Rehoboam (930 to 913 B.C.).

I do not hold copyright to this literature. 

Saturday 23 May 2015

I can't be that amazing, can I?

Awake at 5.43, I had only had just over 5 hours sleep. I reach to God because I know that is the correct thing to do on waking, yet, ouch! That pain again, that disgusting pain which had bothered me since I closed my eyes the previous night. 

Blog! The word was there. Blog! I used to blog incessantly back in the day, until, something, somehow had changed the course and direction of my life and I had gotten off point. Why, oh why, had I deserted one of my deepest loves? The gorgeous gift of the written word. I loved it as much as my faith and the music I create.

So, the title here!!! 'I can't be that amazing, can I'? I sit here in the very centre of a major season change of life. Aged 44 and single. Single, may I say most profusely is by no choice or decision of my own. My heart yearns for a man's arms, I crave this 'normal' thing that everyone, but everyone seems to have, and, again, after laying down my head the previous night after multiple tears, I sit again, on another new morning with a blessing of gentle birdsong as the day breaks, and need to always remember, that with each new morning, comes mercies anew. Hallelujah.

This particular change of season is a relocation. Having already taken many belongings to the new property, I realized that I had been premature in taking my tool box ahead of time. When the plumber came to disconnect my stove, I asked to borrow a tool in order to take down my table in preparation for the removal van. 

As I finished removing the legs, his words to me, which, I absolutely know, were intended as a compliment, had the absolute opposite effect and cut at my heart like a knife. See, he said, look at you, you don't need a man. I knew that in his heart, as said, that he was praising me for my effort, but, at that moment, I felt like my heart was going to burst open with pain. Forever the actress, I gave an enormous smile and faked it and said, yes, but I want one. 

I have had my heart very deeply broken by three men in a row. Three God guys, all church goer's who have all said exactly the same thing to me. You are so amazing, I can't do this any more, you are a queen and I am not in a position to give you all that you deserve. I am not good enough for you with all your God given gifts and talents. I am regularly told that I am amazing, beautiful, talented and all the wonderful words that many girls long to hear, yet never do, yet, here, I am, aged 44 and still single. Single sucks. I absolutely hate it. The pain intensifies as the years pass by. That horrible, realistic reason, that all three who stole my heart had said to me, and I guess, that the plumber's endorsement of my skills and talents, was, for someone like me, a harsh reminder, of all the heartbreak. 

I do have such strong faith and I have never ever had any shyness about speaking out who my Jesus is from being a teeny tiny child. I know that I knew Jesus from being aged 3, the earliest age that I can recall in my physical memory and I again declare as to why my life cannot happen without Him being my Lord and Saviour.  Evangelism could not have been designed for anyone better than me. It totally fits my essence and character and I do it so naturally. I thank the most high GOD for our beautiful new home and again, push back this pain that tries to attack as I stand firmly on his living word, quoted in Hebrews 4:12 and again, make an informed choice in my own God given free will to stand firm in faith for a forthcoming husband, just as I did for the house when all seemed hopeless. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Pain is a stronghold and praise breaks strongholds. No weapon formed against me will prosper, in the mighty name of Jesus.
